Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The dummy’s guide for PHP Web Services

I was a newbie for PHP and PHP Web Services until I did a wonderful interoperability testing. It was between WSAS and WSF/PHP, which are considered as two great platforms for Web Service development. WSAS is totally written in Java, and allows deploying Web Services written in Java language, while WSF/PHP, is a platform, which allows deploying and writing client programs for Web Service creation and consumption using PHP. Anyway, I found the documentation and samples very easy to understand and I could get on with WSF/PHP in a few hours. Once you get it installed, it's like eating your favorite food. Pretty easy!!! I guess you too would love to write your own first hello world Web Service using WSF/PHP. One more thing, both WSAS and WSF/PHP are opensource products, you don't need to buy them in order to write a simple program. ;). So why don't you spend a few minutes using WSF/PHP ?

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e-Definers Technology said...
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